Club History
Date Club was first formed: Official Opening 30 November 1988.
Date of Affiliation: 25th May 1988. First game of bowls was 13 July 1988.
First President: Joyce Johnson
First Secretary: Betty Weale
First Treasurer: Madge Hunt
First Vice President: Shirley Frost
Committee Members: Joan Bell, Beryl Eather
Foundation Members: T. Beedell, J. Bell, E. Coates, A. Cole, B. Eather, S. Frost, V. Haagensen, M. Hunt, D. Ibbett, Y. Jenkins, J. Johnson, M. Lumsden, V. Lumsden, G. MacPhail, L. Mason, M. Rees, J. Skarstrom, B. Weale.

Original members

Our first new bowlers following their coaching lessons
In November 1987 a meeting was convened by Tuncurry Forster Leagues & Sports Club to determine if any women would be interested in forming a Bowling Club, as the Leagues Club was anxious to start bowls. Their lease originally being granted by the Lands Department for sporting facilities, i.e. Football, Bowls, Tennis, etc. within a certain period of time.
Two ladies volunteered to go into the matter and we approached Albert Manson, who chaired the meeting. Then Joyce Johnston wrote to the Leagues Club to get official approval to set in motion the now T.F. Sports Women’s Bowling Club.
After advertising in the local paper, a meeting of interested persons was called, 18 ladies attending, the ladies being our foundation members and became the Tuncurry Forster Sports Women’s Bowling Club affiliated with the N.S.W. Women’s Bowling Assoc. Inc.
We had one green which due to bad weather and the local wild life, Wallabies, was not ready for play till July. Our Grand Opening was performed by N.S.W.B.A. State President, Mrs. Mimi Frost on 30th November, 1988.
Our first carnival was in January 1989 and has been a regular event ever since.
As the years progressed the Leagues Club amalgamated with the Forster Tuncurry Memorial Club, however, we still maintained our original name, Tuncurry Forster Sports Women’s Bowling Club.
Now 16 years later we have 3 wonderful greens, maintained by our ever-vigilant greenkeeper, Keith Minard and his staff, and membership has increased to over 200.
Our success must be contributed to the hard work of our Foundation Members and our Committees and Members over the years. Also, the Club Limited for our extending Club House.
We are fortunate to still have 5 original members who attend our Club regularly, these being Foundation President Joyce Johnson, Foundation Secretary Betty Weale, Vice President Shirley Frost, Committee Members Joan Bell and Beryl Ether.
Written by Betty Weale, January 2004